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Planning Board Minutes 01/05/2012
January 5, 2012

Members & Staff Present:         Scott Burnside (Member)                  Diane Chauncey (Secretary)
David Dubois (Member)     Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)                Charles Levesque (Member)
Martha Pinello (Member)   Andrew Robblee (Chair)                  John Robertson (Ex-Officio)
Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Tatro (Alternate)  Stephen Schacht (Alternate)             

Public Attendees:  No attendees

7:00 PM – Public Meeting
December 1, 8, & 15, 2011 Minutes  - Approve Minutes
The three sets of minutes were approved by all, as amended.

Mr. Burnside expressed his disappointment with the exclusion of Excavation Sites as a ballot item on the Zoning Amendments for the March vote. He stated that he had compromised on the Wind Ordinance but when the discussion of Excavation came up, the ballot item was tabled without much comment. Mr. Lazar and Mr. Burnside did not agree on the location of Excavation sites. Mr. Levesque stated that he wanted to understand gravel pits, and asked Mr. Burnside for further information. This evoked a discussion on the use of resources in the Town of Antrim.

Two Positions open for Planning Board
Chair Robblee and Scott Burnside’s terms are up. Neither has made a decision on filing.

Annual Report for Planning Board due January 16,  2012
Chair Robblee stated that he would create the report.

Legal Bill status update – Silas Little
Mr. Levesque moved to request that the Board of Selectmen pay the balance on the Attorney Little bill. Mr. Dubois seconded. The Board discussed the motion. Some Board members felt that the town should be responsible for the remainder of the money owed and that possibly Town of Antrim surplus money could be allocated to the payment ($4333.00). After a short discussion, it was decided that the Chair should attend the January 9 Board of Selectmen meeting to make the request.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Dubois, yes; Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Lazar, yes; Mr. Robblee, yes;  Mr. Robertson, no; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. Burnside, no. Motion passes.

Chair Robblee stated that, although he had voted not to hire Attorney Little, he felt that to be fair to Attorney Little, the Board should obtain a clear answer (concerning payment of the bill) from the Board of Selectmen.

After hearing the Chair’s opinion, Mr. Burnside changed his vote to yes. The motion was passed 6 – 1.

Planning Board Budget
The Planning Board budget had been reduced by the Board of Selectmen (BOS) by $7500. The Consultant and Contract Planner lines had been separate lines. The BOS wanted to combine the lines. Although the Planning Board was reluctant to combine the lines, they agreed to the change. The combined Consultant and Contract Planner budget line had been $27,500. The newly revised budget read $20,000. Board members felt that their budget was already a reduced budget (because there is not a full time Planner with benefits) and that the $7500.00 should not have been removed. The Board requested that Chair Robblee discuss the reduction at the next BOS meeting.

Letter from Matthew Chauncey.

Chair Robblee and Mr. Burnside recused themselves.

The Board addressed a letter from Matthew Chauncey which had stated that “the Planning Board has been negligent enforcing RSA 155:E and its own TOA Excavation and Reclamation Regulations”. Mr. Levesque moved that Vice-Chair Lazar draft a letter to the Board of Selectmen addressing the complaint. Ms. Pinello seconded. The motion was approved.

Other Business:

Email from Loranne Block (email had been emailed to the Planning Department on January 6 - after the edits had been made to the Wind Ordinance - for the January 19 Second Public Hearing. The Board members received a hard copy.JeaHeari

At 8:54 PM, Mr. Dubois moved to adjourn. Mr. Robertson seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board